This is our MonkeyNotes downloadable and printable book summary/booknotes/synopsis for "1984" by George Orwell in PDF format. This is not the original text of the book, but rather a comprehensive summary and study guide created by our team of writers, teachers and staff.
22 pages / 12,000+ words
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Our exclusive literature summaries (MonkeyNotes and Barron's Booknotes) will provide you with a concise, yet detailed summary of the title you are studying and offer you additional insight into your comprehension of the novel or play including detailed Chapter Summaries and Notes, Setting, Themes, Point of View, Major and Minor Characters, Plot summary, Conflict, Symbolism, Mood, Study Questions, Overall Synopsis, and Background Information. Some titles include additional information regarding Motifs, Quotes, Critical Reviews, Term Paper Ideas, Essay Ideas, Bibliography and more.
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